

Selasa, Juli 28, 2009


µTorrent is a small and incredibly popular BitTorrent client.

Micro-Sized Yet Feature Filled

Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in µTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT (compatible with BitComet). Additionally, µTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification (compatible with Azureus and above, BitComet 0.63 and above) and peer exchange.


µTorrent was written with efficiency in mind. Unlike many torrent clients, it does not hog valuable system resources - typically using less than 6MB of memory, allowing you to use the computer as if it weren't there at all. Additionally, the program itself is contained within a single executable less than 220 KB in size.

Skinnable and Localized

Various icon, toolbar graphic and status icon replacements are available, and creating your own is very simple. µTorrent also has support for localization, and with a language file present, will automatically switch to your system language. If your language isn't available, you can easily add your own, or edit other existing translations to improve them!

Actively Developed and Improved

The developer puts in a lot of time working on features and making things more user-friendly. Releases only come out when they're ready, with no schedule pressures, so the few bugs that appear are quickly addressed and fixed.


READ MORE - uTorrent

CPU-Z knowing yous cpu system

CPU-Z is a freeware utility that gathers information on some of the main devices of your system. CPU-Z does not need to be installed, just unzip the files in a directory and run the .exe. In order to remove the program, just delete the files. The program does not copy any file in any Windows directory, nor write to the registry.


* Name and number.
* Core stepping and process.
* Package.
* Core voltage.
* Internal and external clocks, clock multiplier.
* Supported instructions sets.
* All cache levels (location, size, speed, technology).


* Vendor, model and revision.
* BIOS model and date.
* Chipset (northbridge and southbridge) and sensor.
* Graphic interface.


* Frequency and timings.
* Module(s) specification using SPD (Serial Presence Detect) : vendor, serial number, timings table.


* Windows and DirectX version

READ MORE - CPU-Z knowing yous cpu system

Selasa, Juli 21, 2009

Dapatkan uang tiap minggu di TrekPay

Ada tujuh tanya-jawab yang menggambarkan situs Trekpay sebagai penyedia layanan menciptakan dolar mingguan untuk para membernya.

1. Pertanyaan pertama "Apa keuntungan yang ditawarkan Trekpay untuk saya?" (What can Trekpay do for me?) Jawabnya: Anda akan menciptakan dolar dengan cara yang paling mudah dari cara-cara yang pernah Anda kenal selama ini di Trekpay. 

2. Pertanyaan kedua "Berapa biaya yang harus dikeluarkan sebagai member di Trekpay?" (What does your membership cost?) Jawabnya: Trekpay tentu saja gratis, tidak ada beban biaya sepeser pun.

3. Pertayaan ketiga "Berapa dolar yang boleh diciptakan di Trekpay?" (How much will I earn?) Jawabnya: Anda dibolehkan mencetak maksimum $200 per bulannya di Trekpay.

4. Pertanyaan keempat "Apa yang harus dilakukan dalam menciptakan dolar di Trekpay?" (What will I have to do?) Jawabnya: Anda hanya melakukan hal-hal yang biasa Anda lakukan. (berdasarkan pengalaman saya: Anda diminta mengumpulkan kredit dengan mengklik link di tab browse/search di member area. Semakin banyak kredit semakin banyak dolar yang Anda dapatkan setiap minggunya (Thusday-Tuesday). Mudah kan?

5. Pertanyaan kelima "Kapan dan bagaimana saya menerima pembayaran?" (When and how do I get paid?) Jawabnya Pembayaran dilakukan seminggu sekali via paypal.

6. Pertanyaan keenam "Siapa saja yang Boleh gabung di Trekpay?" (Who may participate in Trekpay?)

Jawabnya syaratnya harus mempunyai akun paypal yang verifikasi dan hanya dibolehkan mempunyai satu akun di Trekpay.

7. Pertanyaan tujuh "Berapa lama waktu yang saya luangkan di Trekpay?" (How much of my time do I have to spend on Trekpay?) Jawabnya Hanya beberapa menit yang Anda anggap cukup per harinya.

Nah, sekarang Anda sudah mengenal Trekpay. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi. Gabung sekarang gratis dan mulai berpenghasilan mingguan dengan cara yang mudah di Trekpay.

READ MORE - Dapatkan uang tiap minggu di TrekPay

Senin, Juli 20, 2009

5 Knowledge Base CTP (Computer-To-Plate)

You confused CTP decided to invest or remain with the analog film photography? You can see the following experience. 

Computer-To-Plate, which is the process of image or images on the print plate. This process is done in stages "prepress" - the process of preparation of the print. CTP or also called "direct-to-plate" means the process of plate printing directly from the (file) the computer. 

Industry trend is moving toward digital, the use of CTP increasingly found in the printing and especially the country forward. The use of computers in addition to economic issues, given the cost of labor is so expensive aspects of the flexibility of the computer that eliminate the photographs become important consideration changes to CTP. 

Below are a few things that need to be for printing in the CTP, the advantages and kekurangannya as an effort to anticipate. 

Appropriate term direct-to-plate, the process of the plate image without using the process of film photography, image printed directly on the plate directly from computer files. 
A digital file does not need to be modified or changed files kebeberapa different processes on the making of the film is all done using the mouse click and enter data via keyboard. The concept of the plate berimage exactly the same, but in a way that is utterly different. 

CTP plate making time to improve more quickly, consistent image quality and image printing. This takes time is shorter than offset printing litografi how the two combine for the analog process into one. Manpower clearly reduced because there is no need to make a film photography. At least the time savings can be 20-30% with the CTP. The resulting image is also more clear, sharp and accurate compared with the traditional analog printing the dot that appears more clean and the first derivative image - direct to plate printing, dot-gain effect is also reduced. 

Savings from other aspects of the material that is less supply, the employee is reduced, photography equipment that no longer exists, it means more space so small. This savings can be made incentive for printing the print and the price factor into the competition to attract new customers. 

Generally, people with a picture printed with the dot-gain is large and appears darker. No customer will rarely find a bit strange with the results of the good "that is not normal" is. Need for printing to provide a good understanding about the goods to this new customer, so that habit. 

CTP is also the responsibility of the quality of the pattern printed on the original full printing, switching to "digital file creator" - people who create image file. See explanation on the issues under the general found.
READ MORE - 5 Knowledge Base CTP (Computer-To-Plate)

Minggu, Juli 19, 2009

my ptc

PTC (Paid To Click) is one of the online business that is easy to do, do not need special skills in doing this job, I need an internet connection and computer, then click the live-click ad that is provided. Value-per-click average is between $ 0,003 - $ 0.03, even up to a $ 0.05 / click. 

Potential revenue that can be obtained from the PTC can be spelled out very small, but if done with the other results. This estimate of income: 

If the value of the ad $ 0.01 / click 

1 day have 10 ads = $ 0.01 * 10 = $ 0.1 / day 

1 month = $ 0.1 * 30 = $ 3/bulan 

If we have joined with some PTC program, for example, 10 programs, the potential revenue is $ 30. in fact at this time there are tens of circulating PTC program and pay. 

Potential earnings $ 30 / month before it is done only by your own, if we have a lot of referral try imagine how much you earn, the PTC to provide referral program gives them the reward value of 10-100% every click. 

I know PTC since 2007, and I PTC is very boring. But after I see my friends succeed with PTC, this month I started a program back to the PTC. 

Some of the PTC program that I follow are:

READ MORE - my ptc

Jumat, Juli 10, 2009

Autorun Remover

The Autorun virus is a Windows PE EXE file that spreads itself on a computer by making a multiple copies of autorun.inf files on each drive of the computer. Each time you insert a removable media or double click your drives in Windows Explorer, the virus files start executing. The Autorun virus creates a batch file called logon.bat and modifies the system registry to ensure that each time you boot your system the virus is launched automatically.

Once your computer is infected, the virus may clandestinely connect to a malicious website and install a rootkit on your computer. The rootkit may install a keylogger to steal your personal information such as account numbers, usernames, passwords credit card information, social security, and other sensitive information. It is therefore, highly important that you remove autorun virus from your computer as soon as possible.

The autorun virus can be removed both manually and by using any autorun virus removal tool. The manual removal time of the virus depends on the intensity of the attachment of the virus to the system. To remove the virus manually, you need to:

1. Kill the autorun process through Task Manager.
2. Boot the system in safe mode and open the command prompt.
3. List all system and .exe files on the C drive (or your OS drive).
4. Disable hidden, system, and read only attributes for autorun.inf and (not
5. Delete both the files.
6. Repeat these steps for all the drives on your computer.
7. Search for kavo.exe in C:\windows\system32\ and delete it.
8. Open registry editor and delete all the entries of kavo.exe under:

Remove Autorun Virus in Minutes

The manual removal of autorun virus is recommended only to computer experts because removing or editing windows registry can cause severe damage to your system if you delete the wrong files. Therefore, it is always better to use autorun removal tool to remove the virus from your computer.

Want to squash those annoying pop up ads and get your PC running like new? Come get your free scan at Spyware Fix today!

Jim Marshall is an expert computer technician with fifteen years of experience in the industry. Since his own computer was destroyed by malicious software, he has been studying anti-spyware, adware, and malware systems for years. His website details the comprehensive results of this research, ranking the best anti spyware programs available.

if you think is difficult, you can use this software, is simple, u can download from here DOWNLOAD

Article Source:
READ MORE - Autorun Remover

Kamis, Juli 02, 2009

sekarang aku jadi bapak

Kemaren saya pergi nganterin istri untuk periksa kandungan di salah satu rumah sakit swasta di kota mojokerto, saya datang kesana atas rekomendasi dari salah satu bidan di tempat biasa kami periksa, bidan tersebut merekomendasikan untuk USG ulang, karena merasa posisi bayinya tidak normal. Setelah saya sampai di tempat USG, dokter disana juga berkata sama dengan apa yang dikatakan oleh bidan tersebut, dokter mengatakan kalau bayinya posisi sungsang (kepala diatas), betapa kagetnya saya, terutama istri saya, karena menurut dokter selain posisi bayi terbalik, berat badan bayi terlalu besar ± 3.7kg jadi mau ga mau harus operasi. Istri saya sangat kaget dan tiba-tiba air mata berlinang, ga nyangka kelahiran putra pertama harus dijalani dengan operasi. Istriku membayangkan bagaimana jika dioperasi nanti. .
Dan setelah beberapa saat memikirkan untuk proses operasi, akhirnya istriku mau juga. Dan tgl 27 juni 2009 kami sekeluarga berangkat ke RSAB Bagusan yang terletak di daerah Lespadangan Mojokerto (sebelah utara sungai Brantas).
Jam 18.40 dokter yang memimpin operasi dating, dan operasi mulai jam 18.45. pada saat dokter dating aku langsung aja keluar dan ambil air wudhu, trus shalat isya’, setelah shalat isya tak henti-hentinya saya berdoa memohon kepada Allah untuk kelancaran proses operasi, dan berharap semua lancar dan baik-baik saja. Belum selesai saya berdoa, tiba-tiba adik istriku memanggilku, dia ngomong kalau operasi udah selesai dan semua selamat, trus juga bayinya cowok.
Alhamdulillah dengan berlinang air mata aku segera menuju ketempat bayiku dirawat, aku kaget, senang, dan terharu, aku ga nyangka aku sekarang sudah punya seorang anak. Dengan hati berdebar dan tangan gemeteran aku melangkah menuju bayiku, kugendong bayiku yang kulitnya masih berwarna merah, dia diam, mata kecilnya yang lebar memandangku seakan-akan sudah bisa melihat. Dengan berat 3,75kg dan panjang 52 cm tergolong bayi yang besar. Dalam gendongan, sebagai kewajiban seorang ayah, aku wajib mengumandangkan adzan ditelinganya.pada saat aku mengumandangkan adzan ditelinganya dia terdiam dan menatapku. Setelah itu bayiku langsung dibawa lagi ketempat perawatan, dan aku hanya memandangnya dari kaca diluar ruangan.
Oh bayi pertamaku, sekarang kau jadi penyemangat hidupku.
Punya pengalaman dengan bayi pertama? Sharing dong pengalaman kalian..
READ MORE - sekarang aku jadi bapak

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