

Selasa, Oktober 28, 2008


Chatting..chatting...ayo chatting... ni aku punya aplikasi chat yg bagus.., bisa online segala macam lho.. lewat HP lhoMorange V Software Features Mobile Social Networking Add your Facebook account...
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Firefox 3.1 Beta 3.1

Buat yg suka internetan pasti udah kenal yg namanya firefox, itu tu..browser yg safe and secure... Download Firefox 3.1 Beta 1 Firefox 3.1 Beta 1Mozilla Organization - 7.38MB (Open Source) - beta The award-winning Web browser is better than ever....
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AVG antivirus Free

Buat pengguna komputer yang pingin nyari antivirus yg gratisan bisa donlot disini nich... Download AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition - trusted by 80 millions of users Basic antivirus and antispyware protection for Windows available to download for free. Limited...
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Minggu, Oktober 26, 2008

MediaMonkey RC2

Buat temen2 yg mau pake aplikasi lain buat dengerin musik nih ada yg baru aku donlot dari file hippoMediaMonkey is a music manager and jukebox for serious music collectors and iPod users. It catalogs your CDs, OGG, WMA, MPC, FLAC, APE, WAV and MP3 audio files. It offers an intelligent...
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Senin, Oktober 20, 2008


Hallo temen2 dulu sebelum YM, googleTalk, Morange , Nimbuzz, dan aplikasi chat lain yg populer, temen2 pasti ingat kan yg namanya MIRC, dulu sempat booming .. nah bagi yg mau bernostalgia ama MIRC lagi bisa donlot disini...mIRC is a shareware IRC client...

Kamis, Oktober 16, 2008

Ad-Aware 2008

Buat temen-temen yang pingin nambahin security di komputernya, antivirus aja kayaknya ga cukup dech.., nah ini dia aplikasi yang aku ambil dari lavasoft... namanya adaware, aplikasi ini berguna untuk ngilangin spyware dan speknyaAd-Aware...
READ MORE - Ad-Aware 2008

Senin, Oktober 13, 2008

Filezilla 3.1.4 RC1

Nah ini dia aplikasi FTP terbaru bagus lho..... coba aja donlot..... mungkin bisa membantu bagi yg biasa tukeran data lewat FTPni diskripsinyaFileZilla is a powerful FTP-client for Windows NT4, 2000 and XP. It has been designed for ease of use and with...
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opera 9.60

ayo yang baru..yang baru..browsing yg powerfull setelah firefox..A full-featured Internet browser, Opera includes pop-up blocking, tabbed browsing, integrated searches, and advanced functions like Opera's groundbreaking E-mail program, RSS Newsfeeds...
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open office 3.0.0

Yang mau donlot open office ada disini..., baru belajar nich.. mungkin is an open-source, multiplatform and multilingual office suite comparable with MS Office. It is compatible with all other major office suites and is free to download, use, and distribute....
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